DTI Roadtrip 2024 // Nottingham

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Contact Information


Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland

Unit 8, K3 Business Park

200 Clough Road


East Yorkshire


United Kingdom


Email the Organizer

Data Protection Contact

Tom Bell

Unit 8, K3 Business Park

200 Clough Road


East Yorkshire


United Kingdom

Consent Statement


I have read and accept the terms and conditions of the Organiser. The data that is collected will be used by the Organiser to plan and manage the event for which you registered, as well as send you relevant details about the event.

Event Terms & Conditions


The terms and conditions govern the contractual relationship between you and us regarding your booking and rights for any of our events. The terms conditions, among other things, cover the booking and payment terms, your rights to vary and/or cancel your booking, the limitation of the agreement and our data protection responsibilities.

Full Terms & Conditions

1) Definitions

1.1 "Booking" means VCUKI's booking process which is subject to acceptance of these Terms.

1.2 "Event" means the event or events which are the subject of the Fee and Booking.

1.3 “Event Specific Terms” means any specific terms issued at the time of booking for any particular event.

1.4 “Fee” means the total sum payable by You to VCUKI as specified in the Booking.

1.5 "Terms" means these booking terms and conditions.

1.6 "Ticket Holder" means any individual that receives tickets as part of the Booking.

1.7 “Ticket Price” means the face value of any ticket purchased excluding other charges such as booking fees and postage costs.

1.8 “VAT” means Value Added Tax.

1.9 "VCUKI" means Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland a Charitable Company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under Company No.04839046. Charity Registration No. 1099748 whose registered address is at Unit 8, K3 Business Park, 200 Clough Road, Hull, HU5 1SW.

1.10 “We”, “Our” and “Us” means VCUKI.

1.11 “Written” and “writing” as those terms are used in this agreement shall include communication sent by email.

1.12 "You" and “Your” means the person, firm or company which makes a Booking.

2) Booking Payment and Terms

2.1 A legally binding contract shall be formed when the Booking is complete, and the Fee is paid in full in accordance with clause 6.5.

2.2 To complete a Booking You shall pay to VCUKI the full Fee. Payment shall be due immediately upon completion of the Booking.

2.3 Any typographical, clerical or other error or omission in any digital or physical publication, correspondence or other Booking documents or information issued by VCUKI shall be subject to correction without any liability whatsoever on the part of VCUKI.

3) Variation and Cancellation

3.1 If You wish to vary any details of the Booking after it is received by VCUKI, You shall notify VCUKI in writing as soon as possible. VCUKI shall endeavour to make any required changes, but any additional costs thereby incurred shall be invoiced to You (and paid in accordance with clause 2).

3.2 Tickets can be transferred from the original Ticket Holder to another individual on written request to VCUKI. Transfers can usually take place at any time up to the start of the Event, but it is recommended that any transfer request is made at least 14 days before the start of the Event. VCUKI cannot be held liable for any incomplete Ticket transfers.

3.3 Cancellation of a Booking may not be accepted by VCUKI unless and until it is confirmed in writing by You.

3.4 Unless otherwise stated in any Event Specific Terms, if You make a valid cancellation more than 14 days before the start of the Event You may be able to receive a refund of a proportion of the Ticket Price minus an administration charge of up to £20.00 (this administration charge will never be more than the original price paid for a ticket).

3.5 Unless otherwise stated in any Event Specific Terms, where VCUKI receives a valid cancellation within 14 days of the start of the Event You shall be liable for 100% of the Fee and will not receive a refund for any sum already paid.

3.6 VCUKI may (at its sole discretion) suspend the Event, change the date and/or venue for the Event for any reason and if You are able to attend the revised Event, these Terms shall continue to apply. If You promptly notify VCUKI in writing before the date of the Event that You do not wish to attend the re-arranged Event VCUKI shall reimburse the Ticket Price to You. VCUKI shall have no other liability to You.

3.7 If an Event is cancelled for any reason, including due to pandemic, VCUKI shall reimburse the Ticket Price to You. VCUKI shall have no other liability to You.

4) Limitation

4.1 VCUKI shall not under any circumstances be liable to You in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise for loss of revenues or opportunities, goodwill, reputation or any type of special, indirect or consequential loss (even if such loss was reasonably foreseeable or VCUKI had been advised of the possibility of You incurring the same).

4.2 In the event of a breach of this contract by the VCUKI, VCUKI shall not be liable for any loss, damage, cost or expense arising out of the breach which was not reasonably foreseeable by VCUKI at the date of this contract, except in respect of death or personal injury resulting from any act or omission on the part of VCUKI.

4.3 Without prejudice to any other limitation or exclusion of liability set out in these Terms and to the fullest extent permitted by law, the total liability of VCUKI to You in contract, tort or otherwise including negligence (save for any liability arising from death or personal injury due to the negligence of VCUKI or its employees which shall be unlimited) arising in relation to the Event shall not exceed 100% of the total amount paid by You hereunder.

5) Data Protection

5.1 VCUKI takes the security of Your personal data very seriously and will collect, hold and process Your data and the data of the Ticket Holder/s in accordance with UK data protection legislation.

5.2 All personal data provided by You in the Booking process will be held and processed by VCUKI and its partners for the legitimate interest of VCUKI in the provision of Events to You and the Ticket Holders and to maintain an archive record of the Event.

5.3 All information requested by VCUKI through the Booking process will be limited to what is necessary for VCUKI to organise and/or host the Event.

5.4 Personal data processed by VCUKI will be done so only to the extent as would be reasonably expected by You and the Ticket Holder in the organisation and provision of the Event by VCUKI.

5.5 Unless otherwise specified, personal data collected through this Booking process will be retained for a minimum period of 1 year following the date of the Event. Following this, your personal data either be deleted or anonymised. The name of the Ticket Holder and the name of their home church will be retained indefinitely by VCUKI as an archive record of attendance at the Event. For tax and statutory purposes, some personal data relating to payments made will be retained for a period of six years.

5.6 Card payment information is held and processed by the external payment providers (Stripe or PayPal) and is subject to their separate terms and conditions.

5.7 VCUKI may arrange for photos to be taken at the Event. These images will be used by VCUKI to promote the Event and/or future Events organised by VCUKI. Images may be used in press releases, printed publicity and published on VCUKI’s websites and social media channels. If an attendee at the Event would prefer not to have their image used in this way they can contact VCUKI at hello@vcuki.org.uk and request that their image is deleted. The delegate concerned must give details of where and when their picture was taken in order that it may be identified and deleted.

5.8 The event may be recorded in video and audio (“Recordings”). The copyright of all Recordings at the Event will remain the property of the Organiser and the Organiser reserves the right to use these Recordings for promotional and/or commercial purposes. In areas where Recordings are being made "Filming Notices" will be displayed informing you that this is taking place. If you do not wish to be recorded, you should leave areas where any Filming Notices are displayed.

5.9 For more information regarding data protection and VCUKI can be found in the VCUKI Privacy policy that is publicly available on the VCUKI website www.vcuki.org.uk.

6) General

6.1 All Bookings are accepted subject to these Terms. These Terms shall, together with any Event Specific Terms and the Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland Privacy Policy, apply to all Bookings and take precedence over any other printed terms and conditions.

6.2 You shall procure that all Ticket Holders comply with these Terms and furthermore You indemnify VCUKI against all claims, costs, damages and judgements awarded against or incurred or paid by VCUKI as a result of or in connection with a claim made by a Ticket Holder.

6.3 No amendment or variation to these Terms shall be binding unless agreed in writing by both parties.

6.4 All tickets sold to Ticket Holders shall remain the property of VCUKI (or whoever is the original owner of the tickets) at all times.

6.5 No binding contract shall be formed until VCUKI has received acceptance from You of the Booking (which incorporates these Terms and the Event Specific Terms) and confirmation of the Booking shall be subject to VCUKI receiving payment of the Fee in full in accordance with Clause 3. No tickets, itineraries, maps or other final details with respect to any Event or arrangements relating to any Booking will be forwarded to You until payment of the Fee has been received in full by VCUKI.

6.6 No waiver by VCUKI of any breach of these Terms by You shall be considered as a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other provision.

6.7 If any provision of these Terms or the Event Specific Terms is held by any competent authority to be invalid or unenforceable, in whole or in part, the validity of the other provisions of these Terms and the remainder of the provision in question shall not be affected thereby.

6.8 The rights granted to You hereunder are personal to You and may not be transferred or assigned to any third party without the prior written consent of VCUKI.

6.9 The Booking, these Terms, any Event Specific Terms and the VCUKI Privacy Policy contain the entire understanding between the parties with respect to their agreement concerning the Event. In entering into this contract neither party has relied on (nor shall it have any remedy, in contract or tort, in respect of) any statement, representation, warranty or understanding which is not expressly set out in the Booking, these Terms or the VCUKI Privacy Policy provided that nothing herein shall operate to exclude or limit any liability for fraud.

6.10 If any provision, other than those relating to refunds under clause 3.4 and 3.5 of these Terms, detailed in any Event Specific Terms stands in contradiction to these Terms, these Terms will prevail.

6.11 You shall at all times be subject to the terms, conditions and rules imposed by the organisers of the Event and/or the Event venue and shall indemnify VCUKI from and against all and any claims arising from Your breach of such terms.

6.12 You shall not sell the benefit of any Booking on the wholesale or trade market without prior written consent from VCUKI. Neither You nor a Ticket Holder may transfer the benefit of the Booking for use as a competition prize or other promotional use.

6.13 These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and the parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

Event Privacy Policy


Here at Vineyard Churches UK and Ireland we take your privacy seriously. Your data is held and processed in accordance with UK data protection legislation. Please read the full event policy for more details about how we use your data. We process your data for our legitimate interest to provide training and support through events to members of Vineyard churches and to the wider body of Christian churches and organisations. This is to fulfil part of our charitable objectives to advance the Kingdom of God.

Full Privacy Policy

Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland (VCUKI) is a Charitable Company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under Company No.04839046. Charity Registration No. 1099748

References throughout this policy to ‘we’, ‘us’ and ‘our’ are references to VCUKI.

Here at Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland we take your privacy seriously. This policy together with our terms of use of any websites/App which you may visit sets out the basis on which any personal information we collect from you, or that you provide to us, will be processed.

This policy specifically applies to the data collected and processed as part of the Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland Events. For all other forms of data processing by VCUKI please refer to the Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland Privacy Policy that can be found on our website - http://www.vineyardchurches.org.uk/vineyard-churches-privacy-policy/.

1) What Information Do We Hold?

a) Information that you give us. When filling in forms on our websites to book tickets for events that we organise.

b) The information you give us may include:

i) your name;

ii) postal address;

iii) e-mail address;

iv) phone number;

v) the church that you attend;

vi) Certain residential events may also require you to provide certain health information such as dietary requirements and/or medical conditions. Where such data is requested your express consent will be requested for us to process this data about you.

c) Photographs taken at the event that you attend.

2) How Will We Use Your Information?

a) To organise and facilitate events such as conferences, training days and residential retreats. This may include;

i) contacting you regarding an event that you have booked on to;

ii) prepare and send you event materials such as programmes, maps and other relevant information;

b) To keep a record of who has attended our events.

c) Pictures taken at events may be used to share the story of past events and promote future events through our websites and social media channels.

3) Where Do We Store Your Personal Data?

a) We are committed to holding your personal information securely. Only authorised VCUKI staff and volunteers (and the staff of our Partners) that need to see the data can access it.

b) We may store your information on computers, in paper form, or both.

c) All computers that store any personal data are password protected and have cyber security software installed.

d) Any paper files that hold personal information (other than names and contact details) are kept on secure premises in locked cupboards and filing cabinets.

e) The data that we collect from you may be transferred to, and stored at, a destination outside the United kingdom ("UK"). It will also be processed by staff operating outside the UK who work for us or for one of our providers. This includes staff engaged in, among other things, the fulfilment of your requests for services. By submitting your personal data, you agree to this transfer, storing or processing. We will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this privacy policy and in compliance with all relevant UK data protection legislation.

f) Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the Internet is not completely secure. Although we will do our best to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee the security of your data transmitted to our site; any transmission is at your own risk. Once we have received your information, we will use strict procedures and security features to try to prevent unauthorised access.

4) What Is Our Legal Basis for Processing Your Data?

a) Your data is held and processed for our ‘legitimate interests’ in providing teaching and training events as part of our charitable activities. We have chosen this lawful basis for processing your data because:

i) It is a legitimate interest of VCUKI to train and support pastors, leaders and members of Vineyard Churches and individuals from other Christian organisations. Organising and facilitating events are a key part of our mission to equip people with the skills they need to advance the Kingdom of God.

ii) It is necessary for VCUKI to process the data detailed in Clause 1 of this policy to offer you access to these events. Without this data VCUKI would not be able to effectively organise and facilitate such events.

iii) We only process data that is necessary to provide this service.

iv) We only process your data in ways that you reasonably expect in the organisation and facilitation of these events.

5) How Long Do We Hold Your Data?

a) The length of time that we will retain your data will vary depending on the type of data processed. The retention periods are as follows:

i) Personal contact information i.e. email address, postal address, telephone number, this data is kept for up to 1 year after the date of the event.

ii) Your name and the name of the church that you are a member of is kept for archive purposes and will be retained for the duration of VCUKI’s existence.

iii) Photographs of people taken at events are retained as an archive of the event and kept for the duration of VCUKI’s existence unless we receive a request to have such images deleted prior to this date.

6) Your Rights

a) Under UK legislation you have a number of rights about how your data is processed. Full details of your personal rights can be found on the Information Commissioner’s Office website - https://ico.org.uk/.

b) Your rights include the right to:

i) Request access to the data we hold about you,

ii) Have inaccurate and incomplete data rectified,

iii) Have the personal data we hold on you deleted (except where we are required to hold the data by law),

iv) To restrict the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances.

7) Contact

a) If you have any questions, comments or requests regarding this privacy policy please email hello@vcuki.org.uk write to us at:

Vineyard Churches UK and Ireland Unit 8, K3 Business Park 200 Clough Road Hull HU5 1SW

Event Data Retention Policy


The length of time that we will retain your data will vary depending on the type of data processed. Our retention policy details how long your information is held by us.


The length of time that we will retain your data will vary depending on the type of data processed. The retention periods are as follows: 1. Personal contact information i.e. email address, postal address, telephone number, this data is kept for a minimum of 1 year after the date of the event. 2. Your name and the name of the church that you are a member of is kept for archive purposes and will be retained for the duration of VCUKI’s existence. 3. Photographs of people taken at events are retained as an archive of the event and kept for the duration of VCUKI’s existence unless we receive a request to have such images deleted prior to this date. 4. Financial records are kept for a minimum of 6 years after the date of a transaction. For more information about our data retention periods, please read our full privacy policy on our website - http://www.vineyardchurches.org.uk/vineyard-churches-privacy-policy/