Scoil Acla Summer School 2024

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Contact Information


Scoil Acla CCÉ


Achill Island

Co. Mayo

F28 T2R3


+353 85 881 9548

Email the Organizer

Data Protection Contact

Tommy English


Achill Island

Co. Mayo

F28 T2R3


Consent Statement


Data collected will be used by Scoil Acla (a branch of Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann - CCÉ) to plan and manage the event, to contact you with relevant details about the event for which you have registered and may be used to inform you of upcoming events which may be hosted by Scoil Acla in the future. You may opt-out by contacting Scoil Acla CCÉ.

Event Terms & Conditions


By registering for this event you agree to the Terms and Conditions as laid out by Scoil Acla CCÉ

Full Terms & Conditions

If you are registering on behalf of another it is your responsibility to ensure that the person attending is aware of these terms and accepts them, and by completing the registration you are warranting that you have made the attendee aware of these terms and that they have accepted these terms.

Event admission


Your registration entitles you to admittance to the Event. Any and all other costs associated with your attendance (including without limitation any travel and/or accommodation expenses) shall be borne solely by you and Scoil Acla shall not have liability for such costs.


You acknowledge that Scoil Acla CCÉ reserves the right to request your removal from the Event if Scoil Acla CCÉ, in its sole discretion, considers your presence and/or behavior to create a disruption or to hinder the Event and/or the enjoyment of the Event by other attendees or tutors.


By attending the Event you acknowledge and agree to grant Scoil Acla CCÉ the right at the Event to record, film, photograph or capture your likeness (or your child) in any media now available and hereafter developed and to distribute, broadcast, use or otherwise globally to disseminate, in perpetuity, such media without any further approval from you or any payment to you. This grant to Scoil Acla CCÉ includes, but is not limited to, the right to edit such media, the right to use the media alone or together with other information, and the right to allow others to use and/or disseminate the media.

Event Content.

You acknowledge and agree that Scoil Acla CCÉ, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to change any and all aspects of the Event, including but not limited to, the Event name, themes, content, program, speakers, performers, hosts, moderators, venue and time.



The payment of the applicable fee(s) for the Event is due upon registration. If such payment is insufficient or declined for any reason Scoil Acla CCÉ may refuse to admit you to the Event and shall have no liability in that regard.

Late Registration fee.

The fee(s) may be subject to a late registration fee which is set by the committee of Scoil Acla CCÉ and if applicable, will be charged to you in addition to the event fee(s).

Substitution and cancellation policy

After registering for the Event, if you cancel your attendance at any point a full refund may be arranged. Substitutions may be arranged at the sole discretion of Scoil Acla CCÉ and is subject to availability.

Event Privacy Policy


Scoil Acla CCÉ is committed to protecting the privacy of its customers and attendees. Scoil Acla as a branch of Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann operates a strict privacy policy in line with its responsibilities.

Full Privacy Policy

Scoil Acla respects the privacy and rights of its visitors. No effort is made to identify individuals without their knowledge. Scoil Acla has created this privacy statement to demonstrate our firm commitment to privacy. The following discloses the information gathering and dissemination practices of Scoil Acla.

A user can access our website and utilise a number of our services without providing any information at all. However, all users who avail of Scoil Acla online services provide basic contact and demographic information. We do not provide this information to any third party.

We do not follow a user’s browsing path outside of our website. Information collects includes any form submissions made, information from a simple tracking cookie for use on our website, and other non-identifying information automatically logged by our web server.

For online booking we use Tito. Please refer to their own privacy policy with regard to what information they collect on our behalf. In some cases, during booking, Tito may ask for a date of birth, however, this information may be provided freely and voluntarily and is only used in the event of a medical emergency where information may be useful to medical professionals and where the designated emergency contact (if such information is provided) is uncontactable.

Payments are processed by PayPal, and their privacy policy applies.

Cookie Policy


This cookie notice is for visitors to our websites, apps and other digital platforms. It sets out how we use cookies. In this notice ‘we’ and ‘our’ means Scoil Acla CCÉ which operates this platform.

What are cookies?

For almost any modern website to work properly, it needs to collect certain basic information on its users. To do this, a site will create files known as cookies – which are small text files – on its users’ computers. These cookies are designed to allow the website to recognise its users on subsequent visits, or to authorise other designated websites to recognise these users for a particular purpose.

Cookies do a lot of different jobs which make your experience of the Internet much smoother and more interactive. For instance, they are used to remember your preferences on sites you visit often, to remember your user ID and the contents of your shopping baskets, and to help you navigate between pages more efficiently. They also help ensure that the advertisements that you see online are more relevant to you and your interests. Some data collected is designed to detect browsing patterns and approximate geographical location to improve user experience.

Some websites may also contain images called ‘web beacons’ (also known as ‘clear gifs’). Web beacons only collect limited information, including a cookie number, a timestamp, and a record of the page on which they are placed. Websites may also carry web beacons placed by third party advertisers. These beacons do not carry any personally identifiable information and are only used to track the effectiveness of a particular campaign (for example by counting the number of visitors).

Information collected by cookies is now classed as personal data.

Event Data Retention Policy


2 years


The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that necessary records and documents of are adequately protected and maintained and to ensure that records that are no longer needed by Scoil Acla or are of no value are discarded at the proper time. This Policy is also for the purpose of aiding employees of Scoil Acla in understanding their obligations in retaining electronic documents - including e-mail, Web files, text files, sound and movie files, PDF documents, and all Microsoft Office or other formatted files. Only the minimum amount of data for the purpose to which it is sought is recorded. Data is correct and up to date – this is understood by nature of a membership organisation. Appropriate measures are taken to ensure personal data in all formats is secure. Personal data (both hard and soft copy) is stored in a secured fashion and handled in a responsible manner. Personal Data is retained for the purposes of being relevant and only for as long as required for that purpose by the organisation. Data is held for 2 years. Content / data that does not relate to a living person is not considered as Personal Data under GDPR. However, content/data being retained for historical and archival purposes is retained and considered within the framework of principles of archiving and historical record-keeping.