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Me & Thee Music
28 Mugford St
Vereinigte Staaten
Gordon Corzine
30 May St
Vereinigte Staaten
These data will be needed to (1) grant admission to an event, (2) communicate any event changes, including cancellation, and (3) refunds, as appropriate.
We (Me & Thee Music) are a volunteer-run community service of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Marblehead. Admission is granted for locally purchased tickets or by list of on-line purchasers, by name. Circumstances may cause an event to be canceled and purchases refunded. Work with us to provide a safe, smoke and alcohol free environment where all can enjoy the performance.
We (Me & Thee Music) are a community service of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Marblehead. We are completely a volunteer organization dedicated to providing live musical performances, primarily benefiting the performers. 1. We communicate by our website,, and regular email to those who sign up for these mailings. 2. Lists of tickets purchased on-line are used to grant admission to events. 3. Paper tickets can also be purchased locally, see the website. 4. Refunds can be requested with an explanation and may be provided at our exclusive option. Requests should be sent to 5. Occasionally, an event may be canceled for various reasons, such as weather, or performer health. 6. When an event is canceled, we make every effort to communicate the cancelation and provide refund or exchange voucher at your option. 7. We cannot assure the environment will be safe from pathogens, such as Covid. Space is insufficient for social distancing, but wearing of masks is encouraged. 8. For health reasons, intermission refreshments may or may not be available, at our option. 9. We try to provide a smoke and alcohol free environment. 10. We will remove audience members who are abusive, disruptive or otherwise a problem to the performers, volunteers or audience members. 11. All recording and photography must be approved in advance, at the performers’ discretion. 12. Flash photography is always forbidden.
We never share your personal information, for any reason. Specifically, our email lists are not available to other persons or organizations, ever.
We never share your personal information, for any reason. Specifically, our email lists are not available to other persons or organizations, ever.
When you give us your email address to use in mailings, we will retain it and use it for our mailings until you ask us to remove it. No other data are retained beyond the event.
We keep your name to use to grant admission to the event, only.