Ireland as a Jurisdiction for Financial Services

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Contact Information


IFL Legal Promotions Company Limited by Guarantee

Distillery Building 145-151 Church Street Dublin 7



D07 WDX8


+353 1 8174900

Email the Organizer

Data Protection Contact

No DPO has been appointed yet

Distillery Building 145-151 Church Street Dublin 7



D07 WDX8


Consent Statement


The data that is collected will be used by the Organizer to plan and manage the event for which you registered, as well as email you relevant details about the event.

Event Terms & Conditions



Full Terms & Conditions


Event Privacy Policy


• We will collect and store these details in order to register your intended attendance at events. • We will collect and store your email address and any other personal details you elect to disclose to us in order to respond to your queries /correspondence. • We will collect and store your personal data in order to manage our relationship with you. • We will collect and use your personal contact details for the purpose of sending you direct marketing communications about our events and initiatives.

Full Privacy Policy


IFL Legal Promotions Company Limited by Guarantee, of the Distillery Building 145-151 Church Street Dublin 7 (the Company, we, us or our) is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. This privacy notice (Notice) is intended to ensure that you are aware of how we, as a controller, process your personal data, in accordance with applicable data protection laws, including the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR), Data Protection Act 2018, EU Privacy and Electronic Communications Directive 2002/58/EC, and any national implementing laws, as amended or updated from time to time. It is important that you read this Notice carefully, and any privacy and data protection notice that we may subsequently provide to you, so that you are aware of and understand how and why we are processing your personal data.

SCOPE OF NOTICE This Notice applies to all visitors to the Ireland for Law website ( (the Website), which we own and operate; individuals who we communicate or interact with in the course of our business; individuals whose personal data is provided to us in connection with our events and initiatives; and individuals who attend events we organise or sponsor. It applies to all personal data collected, maintained, transmitted, stored, retained, or otherwise used (i.e. processed), which is collected by us via our Website, or other communication channels, regardless of the media on which that personal data is stored. We may update this Notice at any time.

WHAT IS PERSONAL DATA? 'Personal Data' is defined as any data relating to a living individual who can be identified directly from that data or indirectly in conjunction with other information. There are instances where we invite or request individuals to provide us with their personal data through our Website. We will collect some or all of the following types of personal data in relation to you via our Website and other communication channels: contact/identifying details including full name, company name, email address, billing details; and any such data you choose to share if/when contacting us via email.

HOW IS YOUR PERSONAL DATA COLLECTED? We collect personal data that you provide to us when you email us via the email address available on our Website, or when you register or purchase tickets for our events. We may also sometime obtain your personal data from third parties in connection with events.

PURPOSE AND BASIS FOR PROCESSING We will hold, process and may disclose the personal data provided by you for the purposes, and on the legal basis, set out below: Category of Personal Data, Purpose for Processing, Legal Basis

Personal Data Contact/identifying details including name, company name, email address, card details.
 We will collect and store these details in order to register your intended attendance at events.  We will collect and store your email address and any other personal details you elect to disclose to us in order to respond to your queries / correspondence.  We will collect and store your personal data in order to manage our relationship with you.
 Our legitimate interests in managing our business operations.  For the performance of a contract to which you are a party (e.g. the purchase of event tickets).  We will collect and use your personal contact details for the purpose of sending you direct marketing communications about our events and initiatives.
 Your consent, which can be withdrawn at any time (without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal). We may also need to use the personal data collected via our Website (and other communication channels) for the purposes of establishing, exercising or defending legal proceedings.

CHANGE OF PURPOSE We will only use your personal data for the purposes for which we collected it, unless we reasonably consider that we need to use it for another reason, and that reason is compatible with the original purpose. If we need to use your personal data for an unrelated purpose, we will notify you by updating this data protection notice and we will explain the legal basis which allows us to do so.

RECIPIENTS OF YOUR PERSONAL DATA Where this is relevant to their roles, Company staff and in some cases third parties, will have access to your personal information. It may be necessary from time to time for us to disclose personal data to third parties or agents, including, without limitation to, the following third parties or agents, and others as may be required from time to time: • Third parties to assist in the administration, processing and management of certain activities pertaining to the provision of past, current and prospective services. • Individuals or companies we engage to carry out specific services, functions or consultancy work. • Sponsors of our events; • Regulatory bodies to whom we are obliged or required to disclose information, including the Courts and Court-appointed persons; • Legal advisors; • Relevant Government departments and agencies, as are represented on the Implementation Group for Ireland for Law, including the IDA, • The Bar of Ireland and the Law Society of Ireland • Other support service providers necessary to assist the Company with the above.

We will inform you in advance if we intend to further process or disclose your personal data for a purpose other than the purposes set out above. We take all reasonable steps, as required by law, to ensure the safety, privacy and integrity of such data and information and, where appropriate, enter into contracts with such third parties to protect the privacy and integrity of such data and any information supplied.

CROSS-BORDER DATA TRANSFERS The personal data that we collect from you may be transferred to, and stored at, a destination outside the European Economic Area (EEA). Where we transfer your personal data outside the EEA we will do so in a manner compliant with Chapter V of the GDPR.

DATA RETENTION We will store your personal data only for as long as is necessary for the purposes of providing access to our Website and related services to you; as required by law or regulatory guidance to which we are subject, and for the exercise or defence of legal claims that may be brought by or against us.

For further information concerning our data retention practices please see the Contact Us section below.

LINKS TO OTHER WEBSITES Our Website may, from time to time, contain links to and from other websites. If you follow a link to any of those websites, please note that those websites have their own privacy notices and we do not accept any responsibility or liability for those policies. Please check those policies before you submit any personal data to those websites.

SECURITY AND STORAGE OF PERSONAL DATA We are committed to protecting the security of your personal data. We use a variety of security technologies and procedures to help protect your personal data from unauthorised access and use. As effective as modern security practices are, no physical or electronic security system is entirely secure. We cannot guarantee the complete security of our database, nor can we guarantee that information you supply will not be intercepted while being transmitted to us over the Internet. Although we will do our best to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee the security of your personal data transmitted to our Website. Any transmission of personal data is at your own risk. Once we receive your personal data, we use appropriate security measures to seek to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure.

AUTOMATED DECISION-MAKING Automated decision-making takes place when an electronic system uses personal information to make a decision without human intervention. We do not envisage that any decisions will be taken about you using automated means, without human involvement in the decision-making process, however we will notify you in writing if this position changes.

YOUR RIGHTS IN RELATION TO YOUR PERSONAL DATA You have the right to request access to, rectification, or erasure of your personal data, or restriction of processing or to object to processing of your personal data, as well as the right to data portability. The following is a summary of what these rights involve: • The right of access enables you to receive a copy of your personal data. • The right to rectification enables you to ask us to correct any inaccurate or incomplete personal data. • The right to erasure enables you to ask us to delete your personal data in certain circumstances, for example where it is no longer necessary for us to process it. • The right to restrict processing enables you to ask us to halt the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances, for example if you want us to verify its accuracy or our legitimate interests in processing it. • The right to object enables you to object to your personal data being processed on the basis of our legitimate interests (or those of a third party). We will cease processing your information, unless the processing is based on compelling legitimate grounds or is needed for the exercise or defence of legal claims. Where we use your personal data for direct marketing purposes, you can always object and opt out of future marketing messages using the unsubscribe link in such communications. • The right to data portability enables you to ask us to transmit the personal data, that you provided to us, to a third party without hindrance, or to give you a copy of it so that you can transmit it to a third party. In the event that we request, and receive, your consent to process your personal data for a specific purpose, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. Your withdrawal of consent will not affect the lawfulness of our processing based on consent before its withdrawal. If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please see the Contact Us section below. We will respond to your request within one month. That period may be extended by two further months where necessary, taking into account the complexity and number of requests received. We will inform you of any such extension within one month of receipt of your request. We may request proof of identification to verify your request. We have the right to refuse your request where there is a legal basis to do so, or if it is manifestly unfounded or excessive, or to the extent necessary for important objectives of public interest. Please note that these rights are not absolute and may be subject to statutory exemption and/or limitation. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Office of the Data Protection Commission (DPC) at any time. Contact details of the DPC are available here -

CONTACT US If you have any questions about how we handle your personal data, or if you want to exercise any of your rights, please contact in writing. All requests will be dealt with promptly and efficiently.

CHANGES TO THIS NOTICE We reserve the right to change this Notice from time to time at our sole discretion. If we make any changes, we will post those changes here and update the “Last Updated” date at the bottom of this Notice.

Last Updated 27 May 2022

Event Data Retention Policy


Until 1 year after the event date


We will store your personal data only for as long as is necessary for the purposes of providing access to our Website and related services to you; as required by law or regulatory guidance to which we are subject, and for the exercise or defence of legal claims that may be brought by or against us.