Innovate Showcase Finale 2018

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Contact Information


Dublin Business Innovation Centre

1st Floor the Tower

Trinity Technology & Enterprise Tower


Other (Non U.S.)



Data Protection Contact

Emma Curran

1st Floor the Tower

Trinity Technology & Enterprise Tower


Other (Non U.S.)



Consent Statement


We are the Dublin Business Innovation Centre, a company limited by guarantee, with our registered offices at 1st Floor, The Tower, Trinity Technology & Enterprise Centre, Grand Canal Quay, Pearse Street, Dublin 2 (the “Dublin BIC”). We provide our website to you from Ireland. Dublin BIC is committed to ensuring that all Personal Data are: Processed lawfully, fairly and transparently Processed for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes only, and not in any manner incompatible with those purposes Adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed Accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date Not kept in an identifiable form for longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data are processed Processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the personal data The data that is collected will be used by the organiser to plan and manage the event for which you are registered, as well as email you relevant details about the event.

Event Terms & Conditions


Dublin Business Innovation Centre, will collect, process and use my personal data in order to process my ticket and for any other use in relation to my attendance at this event. If you do not wish your name, and organisational name to appear on the delegate list OR to be featured in media output (film or photograph) please email us:

Full Terms & Conditions

Dublin Business Innovation Centre, will collect, process and use my personal data in order to process my ticket and for any other use in relation to my attendance at this event.

This information will only be used for the purposes of processing ticket sales and compiling delegate lists which will be published on the Dublin BIC website and across any relevant online portals, websites or platforms, and circulated by email to our email database, which includes all current and recent delegates.

Your image may be captured during live filming and photography, which will take place throughout the event. These images may be used for future promotional purposes.

If you do not wish your name, and organisational name to appear on the delegate list OR to be featured in media output (film or photograph) please email us:

Event Privacy Policy


Acknowledgement: I hereby acknowledge that Dublin Business Innovation Centre, will collect, process and use my personal data in order to process my ticket and for any other use in relation to my attendance at this event. This information will only be used for the purposes of processing ticket sales and compiling delegate lists which will be published on the Dublin BIC website and across any relevant online portals, websites or platforms, and circulated by email to our email database, which includes all current and recent delegates. Your image may be captured during live filming and photography, which will take place throughout the event. These images may be used for future promotional purposes. If you do not wish your name, and organisational name to appear on the delegate list OR to be featured in media output (film or photograph) please email us:

Full Privacy Policy

Acknowledgement: I hereby acknowledge that Dublin Business Innovation Centre, will collect, process and use my personal data in order to process my ticket and for any other use in relation to my attendance at this event.

This information will only be used for the purposes of processing ticket sales and compiling delegate lists which will be published on the Dublin BIC website and across any relevant online portals, websites or platforms, and circulated by email to our email database, which includes all current and recent delegates.

Your image may be captured during live filming and photography, which will take place throughout the event. These images may be used for future promotional purposes.

If you do not wish your name, and organisational name to appear on the delegate list OR to be featured in media output (film or photograph) please email us:

Event Data Retention Policy


1 year


We will only retain your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes for which we collected it. Your personal data may be retained by us for a longer period if required by law. Some of your personal data may need to be retained because of circumstances such as a legal dispute or regulatory investigation, which would usually mean that a longer retention period is required.