One Earth Summit

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Contact Information


Institute of Sustainability & Technology

11F, 68 Yee Wo Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Hong Kong


Hong Kong

Email the Organizer

Data Protection Contact

Institute of Sustainability & Technology

11F, 68 Yee Wo Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Hong Kong


Hong Kong

Email the Data Protection Contact

Consent Statement


The personal information you gave us will help us deliver, develop and promote our services. By submitting your details, you have read and agreed to our privacy policy and disclaimer, and agree that your data is being stored and used to receive news and promotional materials, as well as to deliver service provided by IST and FINNOVASIA. Please read these to understand your data rights.

Event Terms & Conditions


Please read the full Terms & Conditions to know more about your obligation and right over the ticket purchase.

Full Terms & Conditions

One Earth Summit Tickets - Terms & Conditions

Welcome to One Earth Summit 2024 (the “Event”)! We hope you enjoy the Event.

These terms and conditions (these “Terms”) apply between the person, firm, company, or other entity specified on your registration form (“you” or “your”) and the Institute of Sustainability & Technology, a charitable organisation registered under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance in Hong Kong which registered address is 11F, 68 Yee Wo Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong (“we”, “our” or “us”) to the purchase of your ticket to, and your attendance at the Event (your ticket being the “Ticket”). Please read them carefully as they contain important information. By applying your Ticket to and/or attending the Event, you agree to be bound by these Terms to the exclusion of all other terms. If you do not agree to be bound by these Terms, please do not purchase the Ticket

1.The Event

1.1. The Event will be held physically on 25 March 2024 at Regala Skycity Hotel, including the main hall, breakout sessions, bilateral/multilateral meetings, exhibitions, F&B, Gala Dinner, and networking events which attendees can physically attend at a specific location. Further details regarding the Event, including the proposed agenda, program, and location(s) of the Event, are set out on .

2.Changes to these Terms

2.1. We reserve the right to modify, vary and change these Terms at any time at our discretion. Such modifications, variations, and/or changes to the Terms shall be effective upon the posting of an updated version on this webpage. You agree that it shall be your responsibility to review these Terms regularly and your attendance at the Event after changes have been made to the Terms constitute your acceptance of the revised Terms.

3.Changes to or cancellation/ suspension/ postponement of the Event

3.1. We reserve the right to change, modify, or alter any aspect of the Event, without any compensation to you. This website will be promptly updated to reflect any changes, modifications, or alterations. Other than the aforesaid, no notice will be provided unless such changes, modifications, or alterations are determined in our reasonable opinion to be material, in which event we will provide you with reasonable notice prior to such changes, modifications, or alterations taking effect. 3.2. Without limitation to Condition 3.1, we may, at any time and for any reason (acting reasonably): 3.2.1. Make alterations to the program, agenda, speakers, venue, dates, and timings of the Event; and/or 3.2.2. Cancel, suspend, interrupt, or postpone the whole or any part of the Event, without any prior notice or compensation to you. 3.3. Your Ticket grants you access to the Event and not to any specific activities or speakers. You understand that the activities and/or speakers for the Event may be changed and that such occurrence shall not, under any circumstances, entitle you to any claim whatsoever, including, but not limited to, a refund for your Ticket. 3.4. You understand, acknowledge, and agree that the descriptions of any activities or speakers contained in any Event promotional material are intended for informational purposes only and do not, in any way, represent the importance or headline status of any single activity or speaker, and are subject to change without prior notice.

4Your Ticket and the Event

4.1. To attend the Event, you must hold a valid Ticket. Each Ticket admits one person only. 4.2. Your registration for the Ticket to the Event will only be confirmed upon valid registration. 4.3. You are not allowed to cancel your ticket after the confirmation. All tickets are non-transferrable and non-refundable. If at any time we decide to cancel the Event due to any reason, we will make an announcement regarding the ticketing issue as soon as practicable. 4.4. We may refuse entry to anyone deemed inappropriately dressed. 4.5. The passes representing the Tickets have to be worn at all times during the Event. All participants are advised to bring along personal identification, as security checks may be carried out at our discretion. 4.6. We may prohibit any person from attending the Event for any reason (acting reasonably) and we shall not be liable to provide you with any compensation.

5.Transfer of Tickets

5.1. Holders of tickets are not allowed to transfer their tickets to any third party. We reserve the right to refuse entry of non-ticket holders. 5.2. You are not allowed to resell, purchase tickets as an agent for any third party, or exploit the registration commercially or non-commercially in any way

6.Visa requirements/invitation letter

6.1. It is your sole responsibility to ensure that you can attend the Event, including ensuring that you have the appropriate passport, visa, quarantine requirement, and insurance for attending the Event. If you require a visa to attend the Event, please allow sufficient time for the visa application procedure. 6.2. To receive an invitation letter for the Event, you must first register and complete the registration. After that, you can request by sending an email to for an invitation letter.

7.Intellectual Property Rights

7.1. All rights to the Event belong to us, including any commercial rights and intellectual property rights arising from or in relation to the Event. Nothing in these Terms will act to license or transfer any rights of either party, except as expressly specified. 7.2. Taking photos or videos of a limited part of the event is only allowed for your personal use (for the avoidance of doubt, any commercial purpose or use is prohibited). 7.3. By entering an Event, you are entering an area where photography, audio, and video recording may occur. By attending the Event, you: 7.3.1. consent to be photographed, filmed, and/or otherwise recorded and to the release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction of any and all recorded media of your appearance, voice, and name for any purpose whatsoever in perpetuity in connection with the Event; 7.3.2. waive and release any claims you may have related to the use of recorded media of you at the Event, including, without limitation, any right to inspect or approve the photo, video, or audio recording of you, any claims for invasion of privacy, violation of the right of publicity, defamation, and copyright infringement or for any fees for use of such record media 7.3.3. grant us a perpetual, royalty-free, worldwide license to use your actual or simulated likeness in connection with the production, exhibition, advertising or exploitation of any film, video and/or audio recording of the Event (or any part of it), in any media (e.g. in future marketing materials). If you have any concerns about this, please notify us prior to attending the Event; and 7.3.4. consent to be filmed by police or security staff for the purpose of ensuring public security at the Event and preventing crime. 7.3.5. You understand that all photography, filming, and/or recording will be done in reliance on this clause. If you do not agree to the foregoing, please do not enter the Event premises.

8.Badge scanning

8.1. You may be asked to scan your pass with us or at exhibition booths or session rooms throughout the Event. 8.2. When your personal information is shared at the Event with an exhibitor and/or a sponsor, you agree to receive communications from that entity. Your personal data will be handled in accordance with that entity's privacy policy, and you have the right to unsubscribe from such communications by contacting them directly.

9.Data privacy

9.1. By registering for the Event, you agree that your personal information as stated in the registration form and provided by you during the Event may be collected, used, and disclosed by us (including our partners and authorized agents) for the purpose of the Event, including the facilitating and processing of payment and for business matching. 9.2. We will always respect your privacy, and treat your personal data in accordance with: 9.2.1. Our privacy policy at ; and 9.2.2. Hong Kong data privacy laws.


10.1. To the fullest extent permitted by the applicable law, we exclude: 10.1.1. all liability for loss, injury, or damage to persons or property at the Event; 10.1.2. all indemnities, warranties, representations, terms, and conditions (whether express or implied); and 10.1.3. any actual or alleged indirect loss or consequential loss howsoever arising suffered by you or any loss of profits, anticipated profits, savings, loss of business revenue, loss of business, loss of opportunity, loss of goodwill, or any other type of economic loss (whether direct or indirect). 10.2. If we are liable to you for any reason, our total liability to you in relation to the Event (whether under these terms or conditions or otherwise) is limited to the amount of sponsorship. 10.3. To the fullest extent permitted by the applicable law, we shall not be liable to you for any loss, delay, damage, or other liability incurred resulting from or arising in connection with the cancellation or date change of the Event howsoever arising, or any venue change. 10.4. You are responsible for your own valuables, and we will not be liable for any loss or damage to personal property brought to the Event. 10.5. Views expressed by all speakers at the Event are their own. We are not liable for any advice given or views expressed by any speakers or in any materials provided to attendees.

11.Prohibited material and behavior

11.1. We prohibit the following from the Event: 11.1.1. illegal drugs, substances, or materials; 11.1.2. any political materials; 11.1.3. any unauthorized materials for trading (including any goods or items using unauthorized event logos or brands); and 11.1.4. any other item which (in our opinion) interferes with the safe or effective operation of the Event. 11.2. We prohibit the following behavior at the Event: 11.2.1. unauthorized photography or use of recording equipment and zoom lenses, audio visual or cinematographic devices; 11.2.2. unauthorized merchandising; 11.2.3. smoking (except in designated smoking areas) 11.2.4. harassment which includes verbal comments that reinforce social structures of domination related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age, religion, sexual images in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention; or 11.2.5. any other act which (in our opinion) interferes with the safe or effective operation of the Event. 11.3. We may (at our sole discretion) refuse admission to, or eject from the Event, any person in our absolute discretion without liability to such person, including (without limitation) any person who fails to comply with these terms and conditions or who in our reasonable opinion represents a security risk, nuisance or annoyance to the running of the Event. You agree to comply with all reasonable instructions issued by us or the venue owners at the Event.

12.Force majeure

12.1 We are not liable for any delay or failure to perform these Terms (including hosting the Event) to the extent such delay or failure is caused by any Force Majeure Event. For the purposes of these Terms, “Force Majeure Event” means any circumstance outside of our reasonable control, and includes by way of example only the following: 12.1.1. acts of God, flood, drought, earthquake, or other natural disasters; 12.1.2. epidemic or pandemic; 12.1.3. terrorist attack, civil war, civil commotion or riots, war, the threat of or preparation for war, armed conflict, imposition of sanctions, embargo, or breaking off of diplomatic relations; 12.1.4. any law or any action was taken by a government or public authority; 12.1.5. the collapse of buildings, fire, explosion, or accident; 12.1.6. any labor or trade dispute, strikes, industrial action, or lockouts; 12.1.7. non-performance by suppliers or subcontractors; 12.1.8. interruption or failure of any utility or public transportation service in Hong Kong; non-performance by suppliers or subcontractors; 12.1.9. any event outside of our control that has an adverse effect on the Event, including: any public demonstration or protest; or any governmental action that has a material adverse effect on the Event; and 12.1.10 any other circumstance outside of the Organiser's control that leads the Organiser to believe (acting reasonably) that the Event cannot be safely or effectively hosted, or where significant changes would need to be made to the Event in order for it to be hosted.


13.1. We may assign any of our rights and obligations under these Terms to any third party. 13.2. These Terms are governed by Hong Kong law, and any disputes arising out of these Terms are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong. 13.3. In case of any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail.

Event Privacy Policy


The Privacy Policy describes your right over your personal data that kept with us, please read thoroughly and feel free to contact us if any questions.

Full Privacy Policy

Privacy Notice

Protecting the privacy of personal data is always the top priority for the Institute of Sustainability & Technology (IST). This Privacy Notice explains the types of personal data we collect, how we use that information, who we share it with, and how we protect that data. We strictly observe the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. All personal data we collect and process is handled in accordance with the relevant Data Protection Laws, including the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) (2016/679).

Who we are

For the purposes of applicable data protection laws, the data controller is the Institute of Sustainability & Technology, 11/F, 68 Yee Wo Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.

In this Privacy Notice, "we", "our", "us", and "ours" mean Institute of Sustainability & Technology, and "you", "your", and "yours" means you the individual.

Information we collect about you

Although the precise details of the personal information collected will vary according to the specific purpose for which we are collecting the information, we typically collect the following types of personal data from you:

  • Personal data, records, and subscription information, including your name, gender, date of birth, nationality, country of residence, passport or other identity documents, attendance records of IST's events, and credit card information.

-Contact information, including telephone number, mailing address, email address, and fax number.

-If you are a corporate guest or participant, information including company name, business title, billing addresses, payment information, personal information and records of corporate employees, insurance and training records, mandatory provident fund contributions, performance appraisals, disciplinary matters, etc.

-If you are an overseas guest or participant, information including language preference, flight information, membership number, account name of frequent flyer programs, meal and travel preferences, and related information.

How we use your personal information We may use your personal information to:

-Provide you with information about IST services and operations (provided you have consented to this).

-Deal with your inquiries and requests.

-Conduct participant surveys to improve our technologies, services, and operations (such as including these records in our database).

-Combine information we receive and collect (e.g., from your requests, preferences, and booking history) to understand your interests and preferences and provide you with a more personalized experience.

-Measure the success of our technologies, services, and operations.

-Comply with legal requirements.

-Process your payments and protect against fraudulent transactions.

-Process your personal information necessary to keep our website safe and secure.

-Maintain an up-to-date suppression list where you have asked not to be contacted, to avoid inadvertently re-contacting you.

-Keep records for various purposes based on the nature of such records, such as corporate communications, payments, funding applications, inquiries, policy or operational matters, etc.

-Handle legal proceedings, including debt collection, prevention or detection of crime, and disclosure as required by law or a governmental authority.

-Fulfill other purposes agreed upon by you and IST.

Retention of Personal Data

Different retention periods apply to the various kinds of personal data collected and held by IST. We will take all practical steps to ensure that personal data will not be kept longer than necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes (including any directly related purposes) for which the data are or are to be used.

Security of Personal Data

We have implemented appropriate physical, technical, and managerial measures to protect personal data from unauthorized or accidental access, erasure, modification, or disclosure.

Children's Privacy

We will never knowingly collect Personal Information from individuals under the age of eighteen (18) without first obtaining verifiable parental consent. If you are under the age of 18, you should not provide information to us. If we become aware that a person under 18 has provided personal information to us without verifiable parental consent, we will remove such personal information from our files.

Sharing your Data with Third Parties

Only our authorized staff are permitted to access our participants' data held in our database. We may share your personal information with external service providers who perform services to or on behalf of IST, for purposes such as system maintenance support and data hosting. Your data will only be transferred to such third parties that respect privacy and are under contractual and confidentiality obligations to IST, except as required by law, court order, regulatory, or law enforcement authority.

Our website may contain links to and from the websites of our partner networks, advertisers, and affiliates. Please note that these websites have their own privacy statements, and we have no control over how they may use your personal information. You should check the privacy statements of third-party websites before submitting any personal information to them.

Your rights (EEA residents only) If you are a resident in the European Economic Area, you have the right to:

-Access. You have the right to request a copy of the personal information we are processing about you, which we will provide back to you in electronic form. For your own privacy and security, in our discretion we may require you to prove your identity before providing the requested information. If you require multiple copies of your personal data, we may charge a reasonable administration fee.

-Rectification. You have the right to have incomplete or inaccurate personal information that we process about you rectified. Note that you can always make certain adjustments to certain personal information directly through your online account.

-Deletion. You have the right to request that we delete personal information that we process about you, except we are not obligated to do so if we need to retain such data in order to comply with a legal obligation or to establish, exercise or defend legal claims.

-Restriction. You have the right to restrict our processing of your personal information where you believe such data to be inaccurate, our processing is unlawful or that we no longer need to process such data for a particular purpose, but where we are not able to delete the data due to a legal or other obligation or because you do not wish for us to delete it.

-Portability. You have the right to obtain personal information we hold about you, in a structured, electronic format, and to transmit such data to another data controller, where this is (a) personal information which you have provided to us, and (b) if we are processing that data on the basis of your consent (such as for direct marketing communications) or to perform a contract with you (such as to manage your booking).

-Objection. Where the legal justification for our processing of your personal information is our legitimate interest, you have the right to object to such processing on grounds relating to your particular situation. We will abide by your request unless we have compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests and rights, or if we need to continue to process the data for the establishment, exercise or defence of a legal claim.

-Withdrawing Consent. If you have consented to our processing of your personal information, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, free of charge This includes cases where you wish to opt out from marketing messages that you receive from us. For more information on how to opt out from marketing messages, see the section entitled " Unsubscribing from our mailing lists or loyalty programme(s)" below.

If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact us using the contact information provided below.

Unsubscribing from Our Mailing Lists

We provide opt-out channels for our participants to unsubscribe from receiving our information and services. You can unsubscribe by clicking the unsubscribe link in the email or by sending an email to, including your name and the program from which you would like to opt-out. Please specify your email address for the applied/attended program, if applicable.

Retention of personal data The Institute of Sustainability & Technology will retain your personal data only for as long as necessary for the purpose for which it was collected and to the extent permitted by applicable laws. When we no longer have a legitimate reason to retain your personal information, or when you request that we delete your personal information (except where we need to retain it to comply with applicable statutory obligations or to establish, exercise, or defend legal claims), we will remove such information from our systems and records.

Direct marketing We may use your personal data, including your name, contact information, and other collected information, to send you marketing communications. These communications may include news related to the Institute of Sustainability & Technology, information about our products and services, promotions, offers, joint promotions with third parties, and surveys. The method of communication (such as social media, email, direct mail, SMS, or telephone) will depend on your marketing preferences.

How We Keep Your Information Secure

We have implemented technical and organizational security measures to safeguard the personal information in our custody and control. These measures include limiting access to personal information to employees and authorized service providers who need to know such information for the purposes described in this Privacy Notice, as well as other administrative, technical, and physical safeguards.

While we strive to protect our systems, sites, operations, and information against unauthorized access, use, modification, and disclosure, we cannot guarantee that any information transmitted or stored on our systems will be absolutely safe from intrusion by others, such as hackers, due to the inherent nature of the Internet as an open global communications vehicle and other risk factors.

How to Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Notice or the data collection practices outlined herein, please contact us:

By Email:

By Mail: 11F, 68 Yee Wo Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Changes to this Privacy Notice This Privacy Notice is written in English and may be translated into other languages. In the event of any inconsistency between the English version and the translated version of this notice, the English version shall prevail.

We reserve the right to change our Privacy Notice from time to time. If we make any changes, we recommend visiting our website regularly for the latest privacy and policy updates.

Last updated February 2024.

Event Data Retention Policy


Until we receive unsubscribe notice from you


**Security and retention of personal data** Only authorised people have access to, custody of and the means of using personal data the Institute of IST and FINNOVASIA collects. The Institute of IST and FINNOVASIA promote a privacy-aware culture that respects and is sensitive to the rights of its external contacts. Data captured online or via the IST and FINNOVASIA website are retained on the server of the Institute of IST and FINNOVASIA. Storage on the IST and FINNOVASIA server is protected in accordance with the requirements of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region which protect against unauthorised or accidental access, processing, erasure or other use.