small print
Rick Chadwick
22 Pavement
Reino Unido
Email the Data Protection ContactThe data that we collect is used by DotYork to plan and manage the event for which you are registered, as well as email you relevant details about the event.
By registering for this event, you agree to adhere to our code of conduct - Tickets are non-refundable. Free tickets may be cancelled. Event line-ups and venue are subject to change.
By registering for this event, you agree to adhere to our code of conduct -
Tickets are non-refundable. Free tickets may be cancelled. Event line-ups and venue are subject to change.
We only use your data for things we need. We’ll never sell it, give it away. or use it for anything we shouldn’t.
Our full privacy policy can be found at
3 years
We’ll keep your email address for three years (renewed each time you register for a DotYork event). If you have provided any additional information (e.g. your location, or employment type), we’ll keep this for 3 months and only use this to collate aggregate statistics.