DevOpsDays Galway 2018

small print

Contact Information


DevOpsDays Galway

15 Oakleigh Wood

Tulla Road



V95 WYC9


Data Protection Contact

Jon-Paul Sullivan

15 Oakleigh Wood

Tulla Road



V95 WYC9


Consent Statement


The data that is collected will be used by the Organiser to plan and manage the event for which you registered, as well as email you relevant details about the event, and to inform you of future events as they are planned.

Event Terms & Conditions


We have a code of conduct that all attendees must sign up to abiding by. It is available here:

Full Terms & Conditions

Please see for our code of conduct. We reserve the right to cancel tickets or refuse entry at our sole discretion. All requests by organisers must be adhered to at all times.

Event Privacy Policy


We will never pass attendee details to sponsors or third parties unless strictly necessary, and then only for the purposes of running a friendly and inclusive conference.

Full Privacy Policy

We will never pass attendee details to sponsors or third parties unless strictly necessary, and then only for the purposes of running a friendly and inclusive conference.

Event Data Retention Policy


We will retain your data for the running of the conference you are attending and to notify you of the next conference that we organise.


In order to ensure that only people who buy tickets attend the conference we will need to retain your data up to the close of the conference. Once the conference finishes we would like to retain your data for the sole purpose of notifying you when the next DevOpsDays Galway event is being held.