PASMA 50th Anniversary Celebration

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Contact Information



7 Newton Place


G3 7PR

United Kingdom

Data Protection Contact

Rhona McCallum

7 Newton Place


G3 7PR

United Kingdom

Consent Statement


The data that is collected will be used by AIMS to plan and manage the event for which you registered, as well as email you relevant details about the event. If you have told us about any dietary or accessibility requirements you have, or if you have booked overnight accommodation, we will share your details with the event venue only to ensure your needs are met. We may also share your details with speakers and suppliers where it's necessary to ensure the event runs smoothly and your needs are met.

Event Terms & Conditions


By registering a ticket for Conference, you agree to our standard terms and conditions, which include our cancellation policy:

Full Terms & Conditions

Availability If your booking includes accommodation, it is subject to availability. If we are unable to fulfill your order, we will notify you as soon as possible.

Payment Payment must be received at the latest 30 days from receipt of the invoice date or in advance of the event, whichever is the sooner and regardless of booking date. Payment information is provided on the invoice.

Cancellations By submitting this form, you commit to paying for the tickets you have requested. Paid tickets are non-refundable but can be transferred to someone else.

If you fail to show up on the day or if you cancel with less than 28 days' notice without good reason, AIMS reserves the right to invoice you for the full value of your ticket.

Substitute Attendees A place at an event can be used by a substitute attendee at no extra charge. Please re-assign your ticket to the person of your choice.

Event Dates, Venues and Postponement AIMS reserves the right to alter event dates, venues and locations where necessary without liability. As much advance notice will be given as possible via the attendee’s email address provided at time of booking. If you are unable to attend the event at the revised location or date, AIMS will refund/credit 100% of the delegate fee or offer a credit for a future event.

In the event of cancellation, a full refund/credit will be offered.

AIMS cannot offer refunds for cancellations due to circumstances outside its control; including adverse weather conditions, transportation issues, major incidents or industrial action. AIMS will not be liable for any other costs incurred including (for example) travel charges or any consequential damages, even if advised of these costs.

Data protection By submitting this form, you agree that AIMS may process your data carefully and respectfully in accordance with our privacy policy.

Other terms AIMS does not accept responsibility for attendees’ personal belongings or valuables, for example, laptops or communications devices brought to events. These remain the responsibility of the individual attendees.

AIMS reserves the right to remove any attendee from the event should their behavior be deemed inappropriate. In such event, no refund of booking fees or other costs will be made.

Event Privacy Policy


We collect information from event attendees in order to plan and deliver our events, and to promote future events. We process your data with due care, in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.

Full Privacy Policy

Read our privacy policy.

Event Data Retention Policy


5 years


AIMS does not store your personal data longer than is legally permitted and necessary for the purposes for which the data were collected. The storage period depends on the nature of the information and the purposes of processing. The maximum period may therefore vary. In general, we store data for the provision of services for a maximum of five years after our relationship with you has ended.